James McCallum, a toddler from Clearwater, Florida, has a rare skin condition that has earned him the nickname “little Ninja Turtle” from his parents, Kaitlyn and Tim. This condition, which resembles a turtle shell on his back, went undetected during Kaitlyn’s pregnancy despite multiple ultrasounds. After his birth, they noticed strange lumps and scabs that eventually covered about 75% of his back, causing discomfort and sleep issues for James.
To diagnose the condition, James underwent an MRI scan that confirmed the growth was only on his skin. At two and a half months old, he had surgery to remove the nevus, and fortunately, there were no internal complications. Through a Facebook group, the McCallums connected with other families facing similar challenges and found a specialist for James. He began a treatment called tissue expansion, which involves weekly saline injections to stretch the skin. Although the process is difficult, his parents are hopeful that by summer, James’s condition will be resolved, prioritizing his happiness and comfort above all.
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